X-ray wavelength dispersive flowstream pulp analyzer AR-35
Analyzer AR-35 is designed for continuous X-ray fluorescence on-stream analysis of solutions, suspensions and pulp products of ore processing. AR-35 can simultaneously measure the concentration of 8 (eight) chemical elements in the processed product thus saving time and reducing cost of element identification.
Analyzer AR-35 represents a fully-automated analytical complex intended for continuous X-ray fluorescence on-stream chemical analysis of pulps and solutions. The instrument has a portable programmed measuring head with X-ray tube and fixed spectrometric channels (up to 8), each of which can be configured for any chemical element (from Ca to U). In the course of operation the head goes around by measuring up to 15 flow cells according to assigned program.
Principle of analyzer operation is based on the excitation of fluorescent radiation of material atoms being under examination by radiation coming from an X-ray tube. Fluorescent radiation of any chemical element is diffracted by analyzing crystals, then radiation with a certain wavelength is detected by X-ray radiation detector. The intensity of the received fluorescent radiation of a particular wavelength is directly proportional to the chemical element concentration in the material under examination.
Technical data
Range of determined chemical element 20 Сa - 92 U
Number of simultaneously defined chemical elements including determination of solids content in slurry 8
Number of flow measuring cells (coherently analyzed products, flows), per one unit, depending on customer’s requirements 6,10 or 15
Limits of basic relative error, % ± 0,5%
Detection limits, ppm
- in solutions, mg/ l
- in solid phase of suspensions and slurries , %
1 ... 50
0.001 ... 0.05
Average time of one flow analysis, s 40 - 100
Typical measurement cycle of 15 slurry products, min 15
T otal power consumption, max, kVA 5
Device weight, max, kg 1200
Process diagram