On 28th of July 2021 one of the world’s largest diamond mining companies, Petra Diamonds Ltd, recovered diamond of 342.92 crt.
Type IIa stone recovered at Cullinan diamond mine, South Africa. It has an exceptional quality in both color and clarity.
Bourevestnik supplied and commissioned X-ray luminescence sorters in mineral processing at Cullinan recovery plant in 2017. The plant is running specially design X-ray sorters for primary treatment of the large size range within +5 -50 mm and presented with models of LS -20-09L and LS-20-05NL.
Principal of operation is based on luminescence property of the diamond exposed by X-ray. The main feature found in design is high quality grade for concentrate and effective recovery rate for low-luminescence and type II diamonds. The found white stone shows a high efficiency of Bourevestnik sorters.