Born on May 2, 1977 in Cherepovets, Vologda Region.
In 1999 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys with a degree in Metallurgy of Ferrous Metals, qualification: engineer, and the Rhine-Westphalian Higher Technical School in Aachen, Germany (RWTH, Metallurgische Prozesstechnik und Metallrecycling).
In 2013 he gained an MBA qualification in Economics at the St. Petersburg State University of Economics, UNECON Higher School of Economics.
In 2014, he confirmed the MBA qualification at the State University of Management (Economics).
Since 2000 he was working at Severstal OJSC in the positions from a worker to the workshop manager.
In 2009, he was appointed to the position of the head of the steelmaking of the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant. Since 2011 he was working in position of General Director of OMZ-Special Steels LLC and OMZ-Foundry LLC (United Heavy Machinery - OMZ Group).
In 2017 he held the position of Deputy General Director of the Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" - Central Research Institute of structural materials “PROMETEY”.
Since February 15, 2020 Sergei B. Eroshkin is the General Director of Bourevestnik, JSC.
Born on January 15, 1951, in Leningrad.
He graduated from V.I.Ulyanov (Lenin) LETI in 1974, specialty: "Electronic Instruments", qualification: Electronics Engineer.
Since he graduated from the institute (1974) and till present he has worked for Bourevestnik, Inc. He raised from Engineer, through Leading Research Associate, to Chief of one of the basic departments at the enterprise, Integrated Sorter Department.
PhD (Technology). Author of numerous publications and inventions.
Since May 2008 he has been Special Equipment Manager of Bourevestnik, JSC.
Since August, 25th – Scientific Adviser to the General Director.
Born on January 20, 1980 in Cherepovets, Vologda Region. In 2005, he graduated from the Vologda State Technical University with a degree in Electric Drive and Automation of Industrial Plants and Technological Complexes, qualification - engineer. In 2013 he graduated from the St. Petersburg State University of Economics, St. Petersburg State Economic University (MBA - business management). In 2014 - Moscow State University of Management (enterprise management).
He began his professional career in 2000 at Severstal OJSC, where he worked his way up from an electrician to deputy production manager for development.
From 2011 to 2017, he served as Cost Optimization Director and Production Director at OMZ-Spezstal LLC. Later he worked in senior positions at the Central Research Institute of KM "Prometey" (NRC "Kurchatov Institute") and the commercial company LLC "SST".
Since March 1, 2023 – Director for Production at Burevestnik JSC.
Born on January 18th, 1982 in Leningrad
He graduated from Institute of Management and Economics, Saint-Petersburg. Speciality - civil law.
From June 2003 till December 2012 he was working in sales and marketing department of Morion, Inc.
Since December 2012 he worked as head of sales and marketing department of Bourevestnik, JSC.
Since December 2016 – Director of marketing and sales of Bourevestnik, JSC.

Born April 19, 1987.
Graduated from Pskov State Pedagogical University n.a. Kirov (teacher of Russian and literature, practical journalism).
Later Ms. Shashkova had enhanced training at the DPO Center for Advanced Studies "Russian School of Management" in the field of HR administration.
Ms. Shashkova began her career at Bourevestnik, JSC as an engineer of the personnel and training department in 2016. On October 01, 2018 she became deputy head of the department, and from December 1, 2018, she heads the personnel and training department of Bourevestnik Innovation Center.
Since June 1, 2020, she has been acting Deputy General Director for Human Resources and General Affairs.
Since August, 25th – Staff Director.

Yuri V. Ruksin
Born on August 16, 1978 in Monchegorsk, Murmansk region.
In 2001, he graduated from the Vologda State Technical University with a degree in Automobiles and Automotive Industry, received an MBA qualification from the Institute of Business and Business Administration of the Russian Academy of National Economy with a degree in Human Resources Management.
He began his career in 2001 at the Russian Metallurgical Company Severstal PJSC, where he worked for more than 20 years. In his career, he held the positions of senior manager for maintenance and repair of equipment, workshop manager, project manager, senior manager for the implementation of the program "Digital Certification of the Quality of the Qutput products of the Enterprise."
Since March 1, 2023 – Chief Engineer of Burevestnik JSC.

Born on November 19, 1970 in Kovel, Volyn region.
Graduated from the St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University) in 1994 with a degree in Computer-Aided Manufacturing of Chemical Production, qualification - mechanical engineer.
From July 1994 to November 1999 he served in Central Internal Affairs Directorate of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region.
From November 1999 to February 2013 he worked in “Ust-Izhora Plywood Mill”, OJSC in the position of Deputy General Director for Legal Support of Business, Internal Audit and GR.
From February 2013 to July 2018 he worked as the Head of Business Support Service of “SVEZA-Les”, LLC.
Since March 2019 Mr. Osoblivets worked in the position of Deputy General Director for Economic Security and Regime at “Bourevestnik”, JSC.
Since August 25, 2020 - Economic Security and Regulations Director.